Account Setup

From the app, there will be a few steps users will encounter with their initial usage. They'll begin by entering a phone number and agreeing to the terms and conditions. From there, an SMS code will be sent to that number for confirmation. After confirmation, the system will ask for an email address.

Use the dropdown to the left of the input box to change to your phone number's corresponding country code. If your country code isn't shown, please reach out to

The screen with the map is the first screen users will see when they open the app after the initial setup. Users have the option to select a piece of hardware by selecting the Nearby option on the bottom left of the screen, which will pull up the nearest available location, by tapping the map pin of the location to pull up additional options, or by selecting the Scan option to scan a QR code.

The phone number cannot be changed later. If you decide to change your phone number, you will need to open a new account. If you have any existing memberships that you don't want to lose, please reach out to customer support.

Last updated