
The Dashboard is your home screen, which gives you a comprehensive overview of key system details. At the top of your screen, you'll see any active rentals, total rentals to date, total users in the system, and available hardware. You can click on each box to see more information.

Your stations' locations and, if applicable, the Zones are displayed on the map. Zones are predetermined boundaries that have been set to identify the areas where bikes can be parked following a rental.

Zones do not apply to dock- or rack-based systems, but are limited to those where rentals aren't required to end at a dock.

You can zoom in or out of the map by clicking the + or - signs on the upper left corner of the map, or you can use the scroll wheel up or down on your mouse. The red lines you see on this map indicate the systems' zone boundaries.

You can click on each location from the map for more information. Alternatively, the Locations tab on the left navigation pane will direct you to the list of stations.

Below the map, you can see the average and total volume trends with options to select from a Monthly or Yearly view.

Selecting the Monthly option will direct you to view the Rentals Per Day, New Users Per Day, and Duration of Rentals.

The Yearly view, on the other hand, will show you the break down of Rentals Per Month, New Users Per Month, and Duration of Rentals.

You can hover your mouse over any of the chart's data points to get specific information.

Zones are not displayed in the Movatic App. This is the user's view of the Map.

Last updated