
The Locations tab is located above the Hardware tab and includes 2 sections: Locations and Map. The locations tab contains the locations of your rental fleet.

The Locations section is everything you see on the Map, in text form. The actual name of the location categorizes information in this tab, an Actions tab where you can edit details, a Zone type (zone or a rack), the amount of hardware available, or the status of the hardware (Active, inactive, unassigned, or under maintenance).

The Map section is the same map you see on the Dashboard, but with a bigger view.

Each list can be exported into CSV files by clicking the Export button on the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

Users have the same view in their maps. If they click on any specific icon, it will show the Location Name, System Name, Hardware Availability, and the rate.

On your end, it will show you specific details including location name, latitude/longitude, status of the station, banner where a custom logo is displayed, and a map of where the station is located.

Clicking the Pencil button under the Action category will route you to a page where you can edit Location details. It will allow you to modify the location name and status, radius for the zone, access restrictions (public/private), banner, rates, and the location on the map. When you are done making changes, click the submit button.

You can also view additional information about the location by clicking the location name. This will take you to the relevant Location Details tab where the following information is displayed: location and access type, the latitude/longitude, radius, status, the number of racks, pieces of hardware available, the banner displaying a custom logo, and a map of where the station is located.

Beneath the Location details, you'll find the Location Stats, where the number of rentals that have been started and ended at the station are displayed.

On the right side of the screen, is the Bikes at this Location box showing the bike numbers and their relevant status. Below this is the Rates at this Location box. This includes the list of rates associated with the Location.

In the upper right corner, you have the option to edit or retire this location. When you retire a location, it will be removed from the map and inaccessible to users.

When you click edit, you can modify the location name and status, station capacity, banner, speed limit if applicable, and the location on the map. When you are done making changes, click the submit button.

The Rentals tab, shows all rentals related to the selected location. This view includes the hardware, user and the start and end location and time.

You can view additional details of a rental by clicking on one of the rentals from the list. Additional information includes a map of where the rental occurred, the name of the user, the exact duration, the user's rating for that particular rental and transaction details.

All rentals can be exported into CSV files by clicking the Export button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

In the same way, all the rental routes geo-tracking data can be exported with the "Export Routes" button. The data will arrive in your email as a GeoJSON file and this can be used on sites that accept this type of file. (i.e.: Kepler.gl) If you are interested in this process, please follow this step-by-step guide.

Last updated