Custom Fees are used to set custom amounts for fees pre-tax or post-tax. This could be used for infrastructure fees, fees to the city, etc.
How to Add a Fee
To add a Fee to your System, go to Billing > go to Fees > and click the +Add button on the upper right.
After the button is clicked you will see the "Add Fee" form, here you need to fill out the relevant information about the fees. The fields are the following:
Active On
The date on which this fee will start being applied.
Archive On The date on which this fee will stop being applied.
Name This name will identify the fee to users on the app and their receipts.
Description A complementary description to help explain what the fee is about.
Amount The fee amount to charge.
Apply above threshold The rental fee amount above which this fee will be applied (inclusive).
Apply below threshold The rental fee amount below which this fee will be applied (not inclusive).
Apply to members If checked, the fee will also be applied to users with memberships.
Apply post-tax If checked, the fee will be applied after taxes.
Once you save the fee, it will automatically be listed on the fees page. This will show when it was created, amount, and it's status.
How to Archive a Fee
You can choose to Archive a Fee by clicking on its name, which will lead you to a new page that shows the Fee's details. Once there, you'll find the "Archive" button in the upper right corner. It will then show a notification that the fee has been archived successfully. Keep in mind that once you have archived your fees, you cannot unarchive it.
To see your archived fees, click the Filter Icon, choose "Archived," and click Apply. It will display all the fees you've archived, similar to how Active Fees are shown.
The Export button above the status, allows you to convert your listed fees into a csv file.
Last updated