
Note: This are associated to another hardware.

The Hardware section displays the list of your hardware. To view Lock lists, utilize the filtering button located below the search bar by selecting Locks. The Lock list displays each individual lock in your system by its assigned lock number/identifier. You can see the hardware with which it is associated, the status of the lock as well as the power level. On the upper right-hand side, you also have the option to add new hardware by clicking the + Add button. To learn more about how to add a lock make sure to visit our Hardware Setup page.

Each of these lists can be exported into CSV files for your records by clicking the Export button from the three dots beside the Add button.

Here are the different statuses of the Locks:

  • Active - hardware is available for rent.

  • Maintenance - hardware is currently in repair by a mechanic.

  • Retired - hardware is no longer available.

  • Stored - Hardware is not currently in use and is kept in storage. It is not available for rent.

  • Missing - The hardware is not in its designated location and cannot be accounted for. It is temporarily unavailable.

  • Lost - The hardware is permanently unaccounted for and is considered lost. It is no longer available for use.

  • Rebalancing - The hardware is being relocated to ensure a balanced distribution within the bike station. It is temporarily unavailable during this process.

Editing a Lock

You can edit or retire a lock and click on any individual lock to view additional details — such as the lock description (mac address, bike number, vendor, power level, current status), rentals, and maintenance tickets that are tied to the lock, a list of historical maintenance information, and event logs.

By clicking Edit, you can change the mac address of the lock or you can move it to a different system.

Keep in mind you cannot move or edit a lock when it is still assigned to the hardware. You will need to unassign it to the bike by going to the assigned Bike > Click Edit > Change the lock to No Lock.

Last updated