End Rental for a User
Last updated
Last updated
From the rentals page, proceed in pulling up the specific active rental you want to dismiss and click End Rental.
A pop-up window will open and look like this:
End Station should be wherever you want the end location to be. This selection can be optional or required depending on the system.
End Time can be set to the local time now or a custom time. Custom time allows you to enter the specific date and time when the user ended their rental.
For Charge, select one that applies:
Standard - the user will be charged normally
Void - the user will not be charged at all
Set subtotal - the subtotal will be set to the amount specified.
Set subtotal credit / debit - the subtotal will be adjusted by the amount specified
Admin Modification Reason is only shown internally on the dashboard. Click "Submit" once done.
If you select Void, this will prompt you to enter a reason and hit "Submit".
If the End Station is optional and the "Submit" button is clicked, a confirmation modal will appear asking the Admin to confirm whether they want to end the rental without selecting a station.
Once you have submitted the voided rental, you will see when the rental was voided, who voided it, and the reason under Transaction Details.