
The General settings page is where you can edit your overall system settings. You can access this by going to Settings > General.

System Settings

Under the General section, you'll see the following:

  • System Name

  • System Status which will display if your system is open or temporarily closed.

  • System Type which states your system hardware (bike share, scooters, etc),

  • System Description, a place to briefly describe your system (limited to 200 characters),

  • and a place to add your own support number so that users will be able to reach out to your Customer Support.

  • System Country is also represented, as well as the system timezone.

On the app, the user will see the following information in the Station Information and Report a Problem page as shown below:

Memberships, Visibility, and Demo

Requiring a membership will determine the type of system access you allow for your users. For a detailed breakdown, refer to the System Access section. When you require a membership, the 'Visible' option will appear below it. If that box isn't checked, stations will only be visible to users who have been added to the membership in your system.

The 'Demo' option is used solely for demonstration purposes such as showcasing features and usability in the admin platform. Demo systems aren't visible without a membership in the system.

Enable Billing

The 'Enable Billing' option should be turned on for any system that will be making charges to users. Once this option is checked, the Billing section will appear on the main menu and will also appear as a tab in Settings. The Billing section is where you can customize rates, coupons, and view transactions.

Maximum Attempts to Renew Membership

This setting limits the amount of times that a membership will attempt to be renewed for a user if it fails, which could be due to insufficient balance, expired card, etc. The system attempts membership renewals automatically once per day and, by default, the maximum amount of failed attempts is set to 3.

New Hardware

Systems that use new hardware models will check this box. Your hardware is typically discussed during your system setup process, so you'll be made aware if this is applicable to you or not. If you have any questions regarding your hardware, feel free to reach out to

Don't forget to click 'Save Changes' after you are finished making any changes.

Last updated