Add a membership

To create a membership, navigate to the Memberships tab and click the + Add button on the upper right of the screen.

It will route you to fill out the Add Membership form.

  1. Active on: Set the date that users will begin to see the membership.

  2. Archive on: Set the date that the membership will archive and become unavailable.

    • If the membership is free, then it will cancel all of the users' memberships right away on that date.

    • If the membership is a paid membership, they’ll be able to use the membership for the rest of the paid term, but won’t be able to renew afterward.

  3. Membership name: Enter a name for the membership that you wish to create. Please note that this name will be visible to users and must be unique across the entire Movatic system.

  4. Authorization required: You can choose to make a membership accessible through authorization, pricing, or both. Check either or both options according to your preference - you must choose at least one.

    • Make sure to configure the authorization and/or pricing as needed.

  5. Paid Membership: Set the pricing options for the membership.

  6. Free Time: You can choose from 10 minutes of free time to 78 hours of free time.

  7. Discount: Set a percentage off for each rental.

  8. Money off: Set the amount of money off for each rental.

  9. Minimum Wallet balance: Choose the minimum wallet balance that users with this membership will need in order to start a rental. If you leave this blank, the value for the Rate will be used. *NOTE: This will only show up if you have a branded app and wallet enabled.*

  10. Credit Card Hold: Choose the amount that will be held/authorized on members' credit cards in order to start a rental. If left blank, the value for the Rate will be used, if present.

  11. Waive Base Rate: Enable this option to exempt users from being billed for the rental base rate (unlock fee). When this option is enabled, users will not be charged the base rate for their rentals. If the base fee is not waived, you will still incur some charges even if a 100% discount is offered.

  12. Priority: Choose a priority between 1 and 10. This determines the order that multiple memberships are shown in the app - the higher the number, the higher up the list the membership is shown.

  13. Max Open Rentals: Choose the maximum number of simultaneous rentals a member can have when using this membership.

  14. Hidden: Choose whether the membership should be hidden. Hidden memberships will not appear in the subscription search or walkthrough in the app. You'll only be able to add a user to a membership via the dashboard.

  15. Branding Color: Select the branding color for the membership, which will be viewable to users on the app under the Memberships tab.

  16. Logo: If desired, upload a logo for the membership. The file must be a .png, 200px wide, 200px high, and less than 1MB. This will appear beside the membership name when a user searches for the membership (as shown below).

When you're finished, click the Save button. You'll receive a pop up notification showing that the Membership has been added successfully.

How a user joins a membership

  1. From the home screen, click on the menu button on the upper left-hand side of the screen.

  2. Click on Memberships.

  3. Select Search.

  4. Type in the name of the membership you are joining or click on Find Nearest.

  5. Verify that the membership you are joining is correct, then click Select.

  6. Enter the required password to join your membership then select Confirm. Note: Your membership may require an admin to approve you instead of entering a password.

Alternatively, users will also join memberships via the initial rental process.

If users want to join a specific membership, they just need to type in the membership they are looking for. If the search generates multiple active memberships, then they need to choose the correct one from the list.

Last updated