BLE Rental

This page explains how a user does a rental process on the app.

A user will begin by entering a phone number and agreeing to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. From there, the system will ask to enter their full name and email address. An SMS code will be sent to that number for verification.

After confirmation, the map will load the exact location of where the user is at. A user can press the Nearby button to find the nearest station or they can also use the Scan button to scan the QR code of the hardware if they already have it close by to start a rental.

From the station pin, the user will need to click Select a {unit} to start a rental, where "{unit}" will be the type of asset they are able to rent (bike, kayak, etc). They will be asked to enter or select the unit number, membership (if required), the rate, and enter their credit card information.

When all the information is completed, they will be asked to review everything on the Rental Details page.

Before a rental begins, the app will search for the hardware being rented and once a connection is made, users will be able to see their active rental status in the menu. They also have the option to click on the arrow " > " to view the system information, return locations, and report a problem in case there are any issues.

When they are done, the user will have the option to complete their rental by clicking End Rental. The app will attempt to connect to the lock to ensure the hardware is locked.

Once the rental has ended, they will see a page of the price breakdown and will give them the option to rate their rental experience. When they land back on the main page, they can click on the 3 lines on the upper left and select Rental History to view their previous rental receipt and rating.

A user will also receive a rental receipt to their email. It will match the screen shown at the end of the rental.

Last updated