Additional User Charges

Outside of the context of a rental charge, an operator might need to do an additional charge to a user due to unexpected reasons, such as if the hardware was damaged or not returned. To do this you can access the User Details page, look for the "Payment Information" section and if the user has a card associated with their account you will find at the top right of the section a button called "Charge Card".

After clicking the button, you'll see a form to input the amount, charge description, and the recipient of the payment. If the user has had a rental in the past 30 days, the charge could be pre-approved if the amount is below the threshold configured for the system; otherwise, it would require Movatic approval. Once approved, the charge will be applied to the user's card.

Make sure that the description clearly states the reason why the user is getting charged.

Each approved charge is subject to a $5 processing fee. This type of charge is supposed to be reserved for exceptional circumstances, not for regular operations.

Last updated