Creating a Maintenance Ticket
There are two ways to manually create a maintenance ticket.
Escalate it from a Support ticket. (This is useful if a customer has sent a message reporting a hardware problem.)
Create it from the Maintenance view.
Create it from a Hardware view.
Escalating from a Support Ticket
Navigate to the Support tickets view using the left navigation pane.
When you click on it, it should show a list of open tickets.
Selecting an open ticket will display details for that ticket.
At the bottom right corner, you'll find a Maintenance ticket section. Here, you can create a maintenance request which will automatically link it to the hardware used in the rental. Click Add button to create a maintenance ticket.
The maintenance ticket creation view will be prefilled with the original report number and relevant hardware number.
You can then add in:
Description of the problem (required)
Maintenance type from a dropdown
Due date
Priority from a dropdown
Any notes
When you save the ticket, it will be automatically linked to the hardware and the customer support ticket.
Manually creating a maintenance ticket
Navigate to the Maintenance view using the left navigation pane.
You can see a list of open tickets. Click Add to create a new one.
Complete the form with the below information:
Description of the problem (required)
Maintenance type from a dropdown
Hardware from a dropdown (required)
Due date
Priority from a dropdown
Any notes
When you save the ticket, it will be automatically linked to the hardware.
Creating a Maintenance ticket from Hardware
Navigate to the Hardware section and select the specific hardware.
Next to the Rentals tab, click on "Maintenance Tickets."
Here, you'll see the history of maintenance tickets linked to the hardware.
To create a new maintenance ticket, click the "Add" button.
Complete the form with the below information:
Description of the problem (required)
Maintenance type from a dropdown
Hardware from a dropdown (required)
Due date
Priority from a dropdown
Any notes
Save the ticket to automatically link it to the hardware.
Last updated