
The Coupons tab allows you to create and customize coupons including the name of the coupon, the activation code associated with the coupon, who the coupon is valid for, and when to activate it. To access your coupons, go to Billing > Click Coupons. You can add new coupons by clicking the + Add button.

You can filter the Active and Inactive coupons with the Filter icon beside the Search bar.

Clicking the Export button will export the coupon list into a CSV file.

Adding a new coupon

  1. To add a new Coupon, click the +Add button on the upper right.

  1. You will be routed to the Coupon Add form, you will need to fill out the following details:

  • Name for the coupon

  • A unique 10 character code for users to input to apply the coupon

Coupon codes are case sensitive. Ensure that if you create a code (Ex. Movatic10) make sure to advertise it as is. Users won't be able to use their code if they have entered it in all caps lock.

  • Type of discount (i.e. percentage off, money off, free time)

  • Validation type Coupons have 2 different validation options:

  • Number of uses Once a user activates the coupon, they will be able to use it for the specified number of times. This applies per user, not globally - so each user who activates the coupon can use it for x number of times.

  • Time based Once a user activates the coupon, they will be able to use it for the specified length of time. If you select time based, this will ask you to choose a duration in these increments:

  • Activation - If you wish to make this coupon active immediately, toggle on the switch button. Otherwise, leave the switch toggled off and you can make this coupon active later or on the day of the event.

  1. When you are finished, click the "Save" button.

Coupon Examples

  1. It's Earth Day and you want to generate a coupon that's 50% off that is only valid for 1 use. To set this up, you can enter in this info:

  1. Disney's Bikeshare is celebrating their 1 year anniversary and they are offering 1 hour of free time when the user applies the coupon in their 1st hour. To set this up, you can enter in this info:

Checking Rentals associated with the Coupon

  1. To view the rentals associated with a particular coupon, select a Coupon. Once you select a coupon, the system will display all rentals that are associated with it. This feature makes it easier for users to keep track of their coupons and rental history.

  1. Once you click on an active or an inactive coupon you will be routed to a page which you can see the rentals associated with the coupon under rentals.

Edit/View a Coupon

From the Coupon section, select a Coupon, this will route you to view the coupon details and its associated rentals. In the right corner is the Edit button, clicking the edit button will allow you to modify the Coupon Name and its Status.

The Pencil icon under the Actions category will also allow you to modify a Coupon, with the same function as the Edit button.

Last updated