Edit a Membership

There are two ways to edit a membership:

Method 1: Using the Pencil Icon

  1. Navigate to the Memberships section.

  2. Identify the membership you want to edit.

  3. Click on the pencil icon from the Action tab next to the selected membership.

  4. This will route you to the Edit Membership page.

Method 2: Using the Edit Button

  1. Go to the Membership tab.

  2. Locate the membership you wish to edit.

  3. Click on the membership, and in the right corner, find the Edit button.

  4. Click the Edit button to get to the Edit Membership page.

Edit Membership Details

Once on the Edit Membership page, you can modify the following details:

  • Credit Card Hold: Set the amount users will be charged for starting a rental. If left blank, the value in Settings will be applied. Overrides can be set by Memberships.

  • Priority: Determine the display order in the app (highest priority goes first). Must be a value between 1 and 10.

  • Max Open Rentals: Set the maximum number of simultaneous rentals allowed for a user with this subscription.

  • Hidden: Check this box if the membership should be hidden in the app.

  • Branding Color: Choose the branding color for the membership.

  • Logo: Optionally upload a logo for the membership. (The logo image must be 200px by 200px and a .png)

Additional Options in Method 2 (Edit Button)

  • Accepted Email Domain(s): If required, specify the accepted email domains for the membership. Note: Enter a domain with an @ symbol (e.g. @gmail.com or @movatic.co) and hit Enter to save each email


  • Hide Accepted Email Domain(s): Check this box to hide accepted email domains in the app.

Make the necessary changes and save your edits.

Last updated