Banning a User

You have the option to ban a user. Once banned, the user will be unable to use your system.

To start with, click the "Ban" button on the user details page.

A pop up box appears, hit "Submit" if you wish to proceed.

You'll also be given the option to unban/authorize a user anytime you decide, which will be available in place of the ban button.

The below example shows the User Details page when banned.

To unban a user, click the "Authorize" button on the upper right corner of the user screen.

Confirm if you would like to unban or authorize the user through the pop up box, then click submit.

The screen will then refresh to reflect the user Status as Authorized.

User Memberships for a Banned User

When a user gets banned from the system, the registered memberships will auto cancel.

The below shows the user's membership when active in the system.

When a user gets banned, the membership will reflect the banned/canceled date. See below for reference.

When a banned user tries to start a rental from a system they are banned from, they will get this error from the app.

Last updated