Event Logs
In the rental details page, the "Event Logs" tab provides information about all events recorded by the hardware involved in the rental. The table comprises the following columns:
Created: This timestamp denotes when the record was created within the system. It serves as a reference point when the event data is logged within the system's database.
Recorded: This timestamp signifies when the event was reported by the hardware itself. It reflects the actual occurrence of the event as captured by the hardware device.
Type: This column details the type of action or event reported by the hardware, offering insight into various occurrences such as device activations, errors, and other notable events. Each event type is represented by a different color to indicate its nature:
General information (represented by blue)
Examples: Lock is locking, Device Discovered, CmdUnlockRequest, and more.
Successful operations or actions (represented by green)
Examples: lock_open, Lock is locked, Device Connected, and more.
Errors or issues that have occurred (represented by red)
Examples: Error, RentalEndError, Location Check Error, and more.
Warnings about potential problems or important notices (represented by yellow)
Example: Plugin is not inserted.
Additionally, users have the option to filter the event logs based on the specific child device of the rental hardware, and types by default are filtered by Important types. This feature enables users to focus on viewing the event logs relevant to a particular hardware unit or particular type, allowing for more targeted analysis and troubleshooting when necessary.
When the filter for "types" is set to "important," only the most relevant types for the user will be displayed. The following list includes these important types:
Device Discovered
Device Connected
Unlock Success
Lock is unlocked
Success Fetch Unlock Code
unlocked Confirmation
RFID Starting Rental Error
BLE Characteristic Write Failure
Failure Fetch Unlock Code
BLE Timeout
Plugin is not inserted
Lock is locking
Lock is locked
Lock is unlocking
Start Open Lock
Start Close Lock
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