Hardware Transfer

You can move hardware from one system to another system that shares the same type of mobility, we must also make sure that there is no hardware with the same number in the system that we want to migrate our hardware.

For this we go to the hardware that we want to move, and click the Edit button:

Once you are on the hardware page, locate the "System" option. From the dropdown list, select the system to which you want to migrate the hardware. If there are multiple systems listed, you can easily search for the desired system by typing its name in the search field. The list will update in real-time to show matching system names, making it convenient for you to locate and select the specific system you want to migrate the hardware to.

After selecting the desired system for migration, simply click the "Save" button located on the top right corner of the screen. This action will initiate the hardware transfer process, moving the selected hardware from its current system to the newly chosen system. Once the migration is complete, the hardware will no longer be available in the previous system, ensuring a seamless transition.

If you want to edit more than 50 hardwares; you can reach out to us and provide the list of IDs of the hardwares with the modification that you want to apply to those. We can take care of the rest.

Bulk Editing its a feature that is in the roadmap but is not user ready yet.

Last updated