Rental Details
Rental details can be accessed through the dashboard by clicking on Active Rentals, on the Rentals tab of a specific hardware, or on the Rentals section of a particular user. When you view the Rental details screen, you'll see:
A map of where the rental took place
For systems that support tracking, you'll get a view of where the user has taken the hardware (represented by a red line on the map).
If you have enabled the
Enable User Device GPS Usage
setting, you will also have access to the user's GPS data, which is represented by a yellow line on the map. This feature is particularly useful for hardware that does not support GPS.
The hardware number.
The user associated with the rental.
Start and end point of rental.
Duration of the rental (start and end timestamps).
User rating for the rental (between 1 and 5 stars).
Total Distance travelled (for systems that support tracking).
Last updated