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This section showcases all hardware within your system. It provides detailed information tailored to each hardware type we support, including but not limited to bike lockers, bikes, scooters, kayaks, and more. Explore comprehensive details about each component to enhance your system management experience.
If you'd like for us to support hardware that is not listed above, please reach out to our support team at support@movatic.co and send as much information as possible about the hardware.
Clicking on "Active Bikes" from the Dashboard will redirect you to the Hardware page, where the system filters and displays all active hardware based on status, battery, and location.
You can filter hardware types by selecting either "Bikes" or "Locks" and in some cases, "Scooters" depending on the system.
To view hardware according to status, simply click on the "Filter" option next to the search bar.
Each bike in your system is identified by its assigned bike number, status, and location, as displayed in the Hardware section.
From the Hardware Page, you can update the Bike status by updating the dropdown option under Status. Here are the different statuses of the Bikes:
Active - hardware is available for rent.
Maintenance - hardware is currently in repair by a mechanic.
Retired - hardware is no longer available.
Stored - Hardware is not currently in use and is kept in storage. It is not available for rent.
Missing - The hardware is not in its designated location and cannot be accounted for. It is temporarily unavailable.
Lost - The hardware is permanently unaccounted for and is considered lost. It is no longer available for use.
Rebalancing - The hardware is being relocated to ensure a balanced distribution within the bike station. It is temporarily unavailable during this process
This is how users can see the bikes that are available for rent when they choose a bike in the Movatic app.
When users select a bike for rental, only the ones marked as 'Active' will show up in the selection. Bikes on status other than Active won't be displayed. For more information about how a user starts a rental, you may refer to this documentation: Start a Rental.