Start a rental for a user

To start a rental, you'll need to start on the Users page and select the user you want to start a rental for. At the top, it'll show the user's name and a Rentals tab. Click Rentals.

User Details

After clicking rentals, you'll be able to see any completed or active rentals for the user, as well as a new button that shows +Add.

User Rentals

Once you select + Add, you'll see the following options.

Start Rental Screen

From this screen, you have the option to set the following:

  • User

    • Shows the user selected and is not editable at this time.

  • Location

    • Select the location of the hardware. This can be used to help filter hardware on the next option or you can set the Location as None as a starting point.

  • Hardware

    • Select the hardware for the user to rent. You can set the Location to filter out any hardware that isn't at the specific station.

  • User Membership

    • Select any membership the user currently has to apply its perks to the rental.

  • Rate

    • Select any active rate on the system for the rental.

  • Coupon

    • Select any active coupon code to be applied to the user's rental.

Select start and you'll receive confirmation the rental has been started. When the user goes into their app, they'll see 1 Active Rental showing.

Starting a rental for a user does not mean it will unlock for them. To see the user experience, click here.

Sample Start Rental

Once the rental is started, this is how it will appear on the dashboard.

Sample Rental Details

The rental details will appear the same, except for the "Started by - Admin" which is used to show the rental was started by an Admin and not a user.

User experience for Admin started rental

For a user, all they need to do is sign in and/or open their app and they'll see 1 Active Rental as well as the normal rental process. Nothing is different for them.

Last updated